Alpina | Mercator Novo mesto | Supernova

Long-standing tradition, selected materials and innovative solutions are combined in Alpina’s footwear. Wearing it will make every step feel just right and comfortable.


Opening hours
Monday 08.00 - 21.00
Tuesday 08.00 - 21.00
Wednesday 08.00 - 21.00
Thursday 08.00 - 21.00
Friday 08.00 - 21.00
Saturday 08.00 - 21.00
Sunday Closed
Ljubljanska cesta 47
8000 Novo mesto
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Ljubljanska cesta 47
8000 Novo mesto
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Vsak četrtek
Posebna ponudba za upokojence v Alpini
Valid on 12. June 2024

Vsak četrtek v Alpini nudimo posebno ugodnost za upokojence – dodatni 10% popust na nakup obutve. Prisrčno vabljeni!

Dodatni 10% popust na nakup obutve velja v vseh rednih prodajalnah in diskontu Alpina, ob izkazu z upokojensko izkaznico, vsak četrtek.

Popust ne velja na darilne bone in storitve. Dodatni popust je združljiv z rednimi popusti. Popust se obračuna na blagajni.

From premium hiking footwear to the latest fashion trends

The range of footwear in Alpina stores includes everything from fashion footwear, hiking boots, specialized boots, ski boots, to sneakers.

Quality footwear with tradition

Alpina was founded in 1947 and since then it has been known worldwide as a brand of footwear worn by the winners of the Olympic Games and the World Cups in cross-country skiing and biathlon. The expertise and quality required to meet the high expectations of the winners are transformed in to the rest of the sports and fashion footwear. The main asset of the company is the constant search and discovery of new technologies and solutions, which is reflected in the final product.

Alpina's products are based on selected materials and quality workmanship. In the programs of various Alpina brands of women's, men's and children's footwear, you will find comfortable and fashionable footwear for everyone. Alpina's advantage is in a wide range of different types of shoes, under the brands Peko, Peter Kozina, Alpina Fashion, Alpina Sports and Binom.

Pomladna kolekcija obutve Alpina je tu!
04. March 2025

Pomlad prinaša svežino, lahkotnost in nove trende – prav takšna je tudi nova kolekcija obutve Alpina! Združuje vrhunsko udobje, prefinjen stil in brezčasno eleganco, ki se prilagodi vsakemu trenutku vašega dne.

Iščete lahkotne superge za sproščene dni ali elegantne čevlje za posebne priložnosti? Ne glede na vaš stil, pri nas najdete popoln par, ki vam bo dal samozavesten korak in popolno udobje.

Ne odlašajte – obiščite najbližjo prodajalno Alpina in odkrijte kolekcijo, s katero boste vedno v koraku s časom!